YAMAHA yzf 250

CGI dari YZF R250 Konsep
Isu santer beredarnya YZF R250 semakin Keras
Incidentally weeks 3 days this January with the community we ngupi Vendetta + DDOCI. But the issue was widely discussed it on the news about the launch of YZF R6 R250 aka baby. This issue was widely heard as upon the success of sales taklain Kawasaki Ninja 250 is a little more disturbing other Japanese manufacturers to reap a profit in this segment. Frankly this conversation reminiscent of early 2007 when the issue of Kawasaki will revive its 250cc sports class ...

CGI dari YZF R400 konsep
Inline 4 engine performance is definitely playing at number 50-60 hpNot the Yamaha if you make a product half-half. Outstanding issues YZF R250 will use the chassis deltabox + inline 4-cylinder engine. That means this bike will have more power ketibang ZX250 already circulating at this time plus a more rigid chassis. It's just look at the specifications and types of motorcycles are offered to ensure the motor is priced above the Ninja 250R. It is not no way they will play at the level of 80 million an ...
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